I designed a fragment based on my Sati tangle - pictured above. I drew a basic reticula - a 4 x4 grid - on paper coloured with very bright yellow streaks. Then I started to add in the fragments, turning it this way and that to make the pattern fit together. This is one of those places where in-progress images tell the story better than I can.
As I've seen a few others observe, this is a different type of tangling that the more freeform string filling thing. This feel more planned, more methodical, controlled. But no less pleasurable for that. It's more akin to working on a Zendala, with repetition and symmetry. I can see this really being what I crave sometimes, but not always.
Back to the tile. For the final stage it's time to fiddle about - this is the bit that makes it come to life for me. The shading, the blobs of gold paint (I had it out anyway and couldn't resist), making some of the black dots larger (as they looked lost), dotting those with white gel ink. And then the dreaming. If I were a ceramic artist - think of the tiles I could design and paint... but then again no!