That said, here are some of the pieces that I've worked on over the past few weeks.
This started as a practice piece - playing with how white gel and pencil only would look on a tan tile. I drew a little section of Krokus in a frame. And I loved how it looked - to the degree that I forced myself to leave the tile at that, nothing more.
I recently got lucky and stumbled across some bargain priced original Zentangle tiles, which encouraged me to get reckless with the scissors and do one of those cut ups that were all the rage at the end of last year. I'm heavily into Diva Dance Rock 'n' Roll at the moment and stumbled on the idea of only filling in certain parts with black - I really like the result. Some curls of white Diva Dance on the black side and metallic purple Therefore to pull it all together!
In a developing theme I finished a tile for Adele's It's a String Thing #256 challenge - but not in time! But here it is! A simple band of the lovely Mazorito - with single Horti sprouting from it here and there. All done on a grey pastel paper tile, with shading and white highlights galore!
And lastly, it's that time again where the Queen of Tangled Mosaics Annette asks for contributions for her forthcoming Project. This time she gave us a string based on the Zentangle ribbons done in Project Pack #3. And she asked us to tangle and shade some of them in red! Which was quite daunting as I find it quite an unfriendly colour and usually only use my red pen for step-outs. But once I'd found a pencil that matched I was pleasantly surprised with the results. These are the two tiles I'm sending her and I can't wait to see what they look like mixed in with all the others - she'll share the results on 5th September.
Back in May I shared this tile that I was sending to Annette for Project #13 and once the Project was done she sent me a mini Mosaic she'd made with my tile alone. Every time I'm wowed when I see how a single tile can be flipped and rotated and grow into something so wonderful. And of course the full glory is when all of our individual tiles come together - in many different layouts - see the full story of Project #13 here.